Monday, 22 June 2009

DAY 1..

Today was day 1 of my 30 in 30 diet with London Personal Trainer Dax Moy's 30lbs in 30 days challenge,

I was up at about 6 to do my first training session. It was harder than I thought it would be, but I really enjoyed it. I did the second lot of training when i got home from work. I had the wife and kids counting and timing it all..
once I have finished typing this up I will do number 3, And if I can still walk go and sort my food out for tomorrow.

Looking forward to another good day tomorrow.


  1. Well done martin!

    Good work for the first day... only 29 to go : )


  2. Good one Martin - having an audience to workout with is intersting!! I hid away for mine!!
