Thursday, 2 July 2009

Day 11.......

Boo :( I have been so excited waiting for today to arrive so that I could weigh and measure myself as we haven't been allowed since monday. I really expected to see a big change. I was secretly hoping to have lost about 3lb but no just the 1lb which is quite good I guess but when you are really pushing yourself to your absolute limits getting up an hour earlier to workout before going to work, and sticking rigidly to a diet I really am giving this 30 day challenge my all but I must admit I am disappointed.

I keep focusing on the health benefits I do feel much healthier and I feel more toned its just the scales that disagree with me lol! Perhaps I should focus more on how I feel and how my clothes fit when did we all get so hung up on weighing scales and our weight its just a number right? So I am not going to let it get me down onwards and upwards (actually downwards preferably!!)

Workouts all good all 3 completed I am aiming for an early night tonight I try to get to sleep by 10.30pm and I get up at 6.15am but this hot weather keeps waking me up so lights out by 10pm tonight.

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